May 10, 2009

MayX 2009 Syllabus

Spanish 352
May Experience
Hispanic Cultures through Food

Instructor: Dr. Friis
Office: Furman Hall 235v
Office Phone: x2227
Classroom: Language House Suite North Village A 301
Class Hours: 10:00 - 1:00 daily + other special situations
Texts: handouts

Grading Scale:
A+ (99-100) A (93-98) A- (90-92)
B+ (88-89) B (83-87) B- (80-82)
C+ (78-79) C (73-77) C- (70-72)
D+ (68-69) D (67) D- (65-66)
F (0-64)

In-class presentation 25%
Active Participation 25%
Written Assignments and Projects 50%

Course Objectives:

To develop further the five basic language skills in Spanish with an emphasis
on speaking.

To both formulate and answer questions about Hispanic food and culture.

To study American food culture.

To create a shared online archive of food terms and images.

To learn and use food related vocabulary in Spanish.

To learn techniques related to Hispanic cooking.

To get an overview of important historical moments in Spain and Spanish
America and how they affect contemporary culture.


1) Daily preparation must be thorough. You must come to class PREPARED AND WILLING TO SHOW IT through ACTIVE participation. Preparing for class means spending an appropriate amount of time reading the day’s assignment and doing any written work. After this preparation, you will be ready to discuss the readings in class with the professor and your peers. Expect participation grades in the low 80s and below if you are prepared but passive. You are learning to formulate, express and debate your opinions and interpretations of cultural phenomena in this class.

2) Please come to class on time.

3) It is your responsibility to notify your instructor as soon as possible,
preferably beforehand, if you have an excused absence. Work missed due to excused absences will be accepted within two days of the absence. Work missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up.

4) The Instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus.

5) Students with disabilities who need academic accommodation should contact Donna Taylor (x2322). After this meeting, the student should meet with me. This process needs to happen early in the term. The Office of Academic Assistance, a helpful resource for many freshmen, is located on the ground floor of the library (x2110).


All students are expected to attend every class session and/or meeting.

If you do not come to class or a meeting your participation grade will reflect it.

Programa provisional


11.5 Primer plato

12.5 Influencias romanas, árabes y sefarditas en la comida española

13.5 La dieta mediterránea y el tapeo

14.5 La diversidad cultural de la peninsula ibérica

15.5 Pintxos y paella


México, Centroamérica

18.5 El intercambio colombino

19.5 Hombres de maíz

20.5 Comida rápida / comida lenta

21.5 La globalización y los efectos de las compañías multinacionles

22.5 Comida mexicana vs. Tex-Mex


Caribe, Cono Sur, Greenville

26.5 Raza y cultura cubanas

27.5 Sabores de Sudamérica

28.5 Donación a un banco alimentario de Greenville

29.5 Postre